MCT Beautification Project

In 2020, MCT began efforts to make the naturally scenic MCT Trails even more beautiful by add landscaping and trees to four highly visible areas of the MCT Trails.

MCT Schoolhouse Trail in Collinsville

Deciduous trees including October Glory, Red Sunset Maple, and American Hornbeam planted on the north side of the MCT Schoolhouse Trail in Collinsville, parallel to Horseshoe Lake Road between IL-157 and I-255.

MCT Edwardsville Junction in Edwardsville

Flowering Yoshino Cherry trees planted in the open area where the MCT Nickel Plate, MCT Nature, and MCT Goshen Trails converge near Plum Street in Edwardsville. The triangular area between the MCT Trails will also be landscaped with Red Cedars, Rose of Sharon, Forrest Pansy Redbud trees, Black Eyed Susans and Cone flowers.

MCT Nature Trail in Granite City

Flowering Redbud and Dogwood trees planted north of the MCT Nature Trail near the intersection of Victory Drive and Garden Lane in Granite City.

MCT Troy Junction near Troy

Yoshino Cherry trees, Dogwoods, Redbuds, October Glory, and Autumn Blaze Maples planted in the triangular open area (known as Troy Junction) where the MCT Goshen Trail meets the MCT Schoolhouse Trail between Maryville and Troy.